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As well as visiting museums, shopping take lots of time, endurance and knowledge.

 Fortunately, St. Petersburg is one of those shopping havens whether you after exclusive furs, Russian souvenirs or some cheap DVDs. Besides exclusive shopping centres and glamorous boutiques filled with exquisite clothes, perfumes and other luxury articles, the city has many traditional local supermarkets or outdoor souvenir markets where you can find good gifts and souvenirs at reasonable prices. On and around Nevsky prospect, city's main thoroughfare and heart, you can shop till you drop for just about anything. We really hope that our short special chapter will be your good assistant in looking for just the very local thing that you wanted in St.Petersburg or in any other Russian city.

 The chapter describes the histories of both famous and little known souvenirs. It also describes where they are made and what they are made of. While some of the souvenirs, like the matryoshka or samovar, are thought to be the very special to buy in Russia, the others often do not draw that much of tourists' attention - not because of high price or bad quality, but simply because allegedly they are not supposed to be a typical Russian souvenir. Our shopping chapter aims not only to shatter some stereotypes but also to explain why some of the less common souvenirs are worth buying.
Last update: 01.12.2009
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