Dining the Tzar's way
Dining the Tzar's way

In the 19-th century gala dinners were served in beautiful halls of the Nikolaevsky Palace only for a family of Grand Duke, members of the Russian emperor’s family and their close friends.
Presently every guest of St.Petersburg is lucky to have this unique opportunity of being served as a tsar – or at least as the most welcome guest of the Grand Duke!
Guests are offered variety of meals, including the best dishes of Russian and European cuisine.
Each meal at the Palace – lunch, dinner, fourchette, etc. is accompanied with music that can satisfy the most demanding taste: some guests like classical music – piano, harp or a string quartet; others prefer folk mini-performance, when Cossak singers and dancers (the members of the Cossak group “Maidan”) create a really joyful atmosphere at any event. Those visitors who are fascinated with Russian folk dances – can easily learn them – right after the main course and before the dessert!
If You happen to spend a New Year Eve in St.Petersburg we will be glad to turn this night for you into a picturesque show and remarkable holiday. You will be offered a tempting menu and the most pleasant and enjoyable rogram of entertainment.
New Year Gala banquet at the Nikolaevsky Palace will be your really Romantic experience!
Last update: 27.07.2011