The cruiser Aurora
Launched in St.Petersburg in 1900, Aurora is considered one of the legendary battleships of the Russian Navy. She took part in Russo-Japanese war of 1904 and in WWI. In 1917, the crew of the ship took active part in revolutionary events on the Bolsheviks’ side. The blank shots from Aurora at late night on October 25, 1917 were the signal for pro-Bolshevik troops to start the storming of the Winter Palace, the residence of the Kerensky provisional government at those days, and are said to be the trigger of the October revolution. During the 1941-1944 siege of Leningrad (as St. Peresburg was called then) the guns of the ship were dismounted and took part in the defence of the city, while the ship was sunk to protect it from German bombing. In 1958 it became a museum.
Open: 10:30-16:00
Closed on Mondays, Fridays
Address: Petrovskaya naberezhnaya 6
Nearest metro station: Gorkovskaya
Last update: 01.01.1970